We want to welcome our new Pastor, Re. Terry C. Muck to our church. He came to us as of May 5, 2024, and is a wonderful teacher, and we are looking forward to his continued presence with us.
Welcome to the website of the Community Presbyterian Church of Lac du Flambeau! If you are a first-time visitor, we warmly welcome you; if you are a repeat visitor or a member of the Community Presbyterian family, welcome back! The good and gentlefolk of Community Presbyterian Church are committed to serving all the people of God through service, a commitment to mission, and by dedicating their lives to developing a deeper understanding of their faith. The fruits of these endeavors may be seen in the work already done: a significant contribution to the work of many worthwhile charitable organizations, locally, nationally, and internationally; diligently sharing in God's good work with other communities of faith, and by gathering together for worship and fellowship. We welcome you to our site, which we trust you will find informative. We invite you to peruse the topics shown in the site navigation headings at the top and we invite you to our all inclusive worship and fellowship. If you are a part-time member of our community or a year-round resident, you are equally welcome. Come, share your gifts, your talents, and join with us as we both experience and share God's grace and love to and for all people. Our services begin at 10 A.M. and are preceded and succeeded by a warm, receptive coffee hour.
We hope to see you soon and, in the meantime, may our God of grace and love embrace you, strengthen you, and challenge you to be of service to our fellow human beings, for we all are members of God's household.
Community Presbyterian Church of Lac Du Flambeau
P.O. Box 159 | 643 Old Abe Road (Hwy 47), Lac Du Flambeau, WI 54538